Thursday, September 26, 2019

Fourth Graders are headed to Jamestown!  Parents and students, mark your calendars!  Information is headed home on Monday, 09/30 about the November 13, fieldtrip.  Parents please look over the information and respond.

     Book reports are coming up.  Make plans to complete you diorama.  All worksheets must be completed prior to writing your rough draft.  Final publishing will be allowed once Mrs. Dickens approves the rough draft!

     Thank you for supporting our class and donating Scholastic books.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Fourth Grade Fall Basket Theme
This basket will house various gift cards and other thems that would allow a couple to have a truly spectacular date night.  Both fourth grade classes will be working on the basket.  WE NEED YOUR HELP.  A note was sent home describing what we need. Please let Mrs. Ray, or myself, know if you have any questions or concerns.  Thank you in advance for your support!  
Mrs. Dickens 

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Calling all Fourth Grade Grandparents!  I hope to see you on Friday, 09/27 for our special "Grandparents' Chapel."  Chapel will be in the gym starting at 10:00 am.  Looking forward to seeing all of you.  Mrs. Dickens

Monday, September 16, 2019

Attention Fourth Grade Parents!!  Fall Festival is approaching!  Mark you calendars, Saturday, November 2nd.  Our class basket is "DATE NIGHT!"  You will find a list of items in your child's homework folder.  Let's get an early start.  Thank you for your help!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Reminders from Dickensville:

     Remember , school pictures on Monday, September 16!  Students should wear LCS polo shirts.  Lots of great things happening in 4th grade!  Bible verse:  Genesis 1:26-27 is due on Tuesday, September 10.  Moms and dads, watch for information emailed and placed in orange folders regarding our upcoming Fall Festival!  I need your help.  Thanks for your support.  I am blessed to teach 4th grade!